Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dear Diary: Today, I Fell In Love.

Welp so there I was, just innocently listening to All Of The Lights by Kanye on YouTube like a 6th grader because my iTunes is fucked up. What happens? Rhianna just decided to show up and personally dance for me. I mean I guess that's cool. Just show up in my computer screen and entertaining me. I won't complain Rhianna. I swear she was only dancing for me too, like trust me I could totally see it in her eyes. Now you may sit there and say "yeah but Dave, 10 million people and counting have watched the same video, you're not special... at all" or something like "she was just looking at the camera lens when they shot the video, not your dumb face". But all I have to say is I beg you prove to me that we're not in love. I dare you. You can't do it. It can't be done. We're going to get married and I'm excited as hell. 

P.S. Thanks to Chris Brown, I'll look like the greatest guy in the world when me and Rhianna settle down and decide to have some little chiclets of our own. Nothing like an ex boyfriend who used to beat the shit out of a chick to make you look good. 


  1. dislike! I hate Rhianna so much. Like I am convinced that she is just a terrible person in real life and has no redeeming qualities.
