Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Welp, I Officially Don't Like Coldplay Anymore

Why? Because according to this study, Coldplay fans are least likely to get laid on the first date.   While I wrote that I just simultaneously chucked both of the Coldplay albums that I own straight out the window. Think it might have hit some lady walking by but that's beyond the point. Literally this explains so much. It's like every question I've ever had has finally been answered. Mind = blown.

Check out the full line up of who's getting laid and who's not-

Least likely to go "all the way"
1. Coldplay
2. Adele
3. Lady GaGa
4. Katy Perry
5. Kings of Leon

Most Likely
1. Nirvana 
2. Metallica
3. Linkin Park
4. Kanye West
5. Gorillaz

So like how does this possibly work? Yes, I like Coldplay. But I hate Kings of Leon. Kanye West is my boy but he's only a 4 seed? Like do they cancel each other out at least? Can I just pretend to like Nirvana and get some hanky-panky? Shits flawed but I'm willing to put the research in. Experiment

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