Wednesday, April 6, 2011

127 Hours Is Nothing Compared To This Guy

Eff you James Franco. Or whoever it was that legitimately got stuck for 127 hours and had to chop his own arm off. This guy is so much more badass. Why? Because some dude was trapped in a clothing donation bin for 4 hours. Literally think about how nasty that would be. Just chillin' in a pile of used clothes that noone wanted anymore and having no way out. First thing I would do is grab a pen and write out everything that happens so that I could sell it to some production company and make bank. Kinda like a diary, but I'd totally call it a journal because diaries are gay. Here's a sneak peek at what would be written down:

"....... it's hour two. Not sure what time it is in the outside world but I think I can hear some birds chirping. That's reassuring. Oh shit, what was that? Some chick just dropped in an old pair of Osh Kosh B'Gosh overalls. The fuck? I didn't even know they made those anymore, let alone anyone that would take them as a donation..."


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