Friday, August 19, 2011

Some Guy Creates A "Smelly Cab" App, Which Creates A Confusion App In My Head

Let me start off by saying that I'm probably the number one fan of cool apps and shit like that. Which is funny because my phone is literally a piece of poop that just so happens to be able to make a phone call every once in a while. But yeah, I still love apps like Amy Winehouse loved drugs (too soon? cry about it). But when I heard that this guy made an app that let people rate the cleanliness of cabs, I was confused as hell. Like isn't the point of getting a cab to just roll the dice and see what you get? Call for a cab and hope that you're not sitting next to a toothless tranny for the next 10 minutes? Makes shit interesting. But nope, not this bullshit app. Just gonna take the mystery straight out of it like saying that the cowboys in Cowboys And Aliens end up winning at the end and Olivia Wilde is really an alien the whole time, but not the bad kind of alien so she's on the cowboy's side and kills herself so that the aliens leave them alone. See? Takes the whole fun out of it.

Plus, every taxi smells like butt hole, but if I had just said that, this blog would have been a sentence long. No fun.

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