Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today Is Nation Men Make Dinner Day.. Take A Wild Guess At What I Won't Be Doing Today

This is a joke, right? There are people all around the world fighting for our country and women have the balls to try and pull something like this? Seriously? What more do they want from us? Do they want me to end this sentence with a question mark like the last four? Women are pricks. It's been that way since day 1, and it will be that way until I say so. What more do they want from us? First women objectify us by putting us on the cover of the best rolls of paper towels in the world:
Then they piss and moan about how Barbie was a shitty role model for girls. That her dimensions aren't physically possible even if she's from Pandora. Blah blah blah. That she's too hot and dudes would constantly just make her naked and keep them under their pillow at night. Wait, that was just me? Whatever.

Do they realize what we had to go through everyday? What we were expected to grow up and look like?
Fuck He-Man dude. I remember chicks in elementary school that would bring in a fully decked out He-Man to the playground everyday. Fully decked out with weapons and mystical creatures that he rode like a champ. Then, they'd just degrade the shit out of us. Making fun of our concave pecks. Saying our quads don't look like tree trunks, and our calfs don't look like quads. It was horeshit. So fuck chicks. Make me a sandwhich.

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