The daughter of some couple in like England won this little fishy in a raffle. Apparently they didn't realize that it looks exactly like Hitler. I want it. Not because I'm a Nazi, but because I want to kill it. Like why would you ever think of keeping this thing alive? It has a comb-over like Adolf. It has his mustache. Kill the thing already and let's not let history literally repeat itself. It's literally a matter of time before this little guy starts taking over the fish tank. First, he'll start out small by being the only one inside those little plastic castles. Then, before you know it, he's taking the food before anyone else can even smell it. Soon after he'll be swimming in all the bubbles he wants, just bullying the shit out of the other fish. This fish could literally be the nicest fish in the world but I still hate it just by looking at it.

Then, just a couple days later, this picture pops up of the Hiterhouse. Literally spitting image of the dude. Like before I saw this picture if someone had told me that a house could look like it has an awkward comb over and a mustache I would explode. But nope, totally possible. Like who lives here? I feel like it has to be a crazy cat lady. The kinda neighbor that you just skip over when it's time for Halloween. No one wants Hitlerhouse candy. Eff that. I guess maybe the owner of the house could be Jewish and could just make a complete mess all over the place. Like it seems tranquil from the outside, but inside it's like a middle school girl's locker. Just straight up gross stuff all over the place. But I honestly can't help but feel like something else that looks like Adolf is gonna pop up within like a month, I guarantee it. I just feel like Hitler has little sneaky tricks up his sleeve. Kinda the way I think he would be. Don't be surprised in April when you hear that theres something else that looks like Hitler, because you read it here folks.
Hitler's going HARD this week, huh?! Wouldn't be surprised if this vaults him as a top candidate for next years Dancing With The Stars. Lock it up.
barstool philly just ripped this off your site